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Internal Diseases Propedeutics : Textbook

Internal Diseases Propedeutics : Textbook

Ивашкин В.Т.

Подкатегории: Прочее
Код: 12339118
Страниц: 176
Переплет: мягкий
Иллюстрации: ч/б иллюстрации
Размер: 20 x 29 x 1 см
Вес: 464 г.
ISBN: 978-5-9704-3601-1
Наличие: распродано
As a foundation to a successful career in clinical medicine every physician needs to be able to establish a good rapport with the patient, accurately record all presenting symptoms and signs, and finally make an accurate diagnosis.
«Internal diseases propedeutics offers a thorough grounding in the principles of the physical examination and provides a detailed account of the symptoms and signs of diseases affecting the body systems. This textbook includes chapters on diagnosis of pulmonary, cardiovascular, digestive, genitourinary, nutritional, endocrine disorders and diseases of blood. The book covers both basic clinical skills, and high technology investigations and interventions that are utilised today by the physician.
The «Internal diseases propedeutics ensures that it will remain an invaluable source of infor­mation for all medical students and junior doctors of all specialities in their early years of clini­cal practice.
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