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The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes/ Arthur Conan Dayle

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes/ Arthur Conan Dayle

Arthur Conan Dayle

Код: 09421181
Страниц: 240
Переплет: твердый
Бумага: белая
Иллюстрации: ч/б иллюстрации
Размер: 15 x 21 x 1.8 см
Вес: 412 г.
ISBN: 978-5-521-00215-3
Наличие: распродано
"Arthur Conan Doyle
full name Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle KstJ, DL
(1859 1930)
A famous Scottish writer.

Conan Doyle is most noted for creating the fictional detective Sherlock Holmes and writing stories about him which are generally considered milestones in the field of crime fiction. Other works by this prolific writer include fantasy and science fiction stories, plays, romances, poetry, non-fiction and historical novels.

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, first published in 1892, is a collection of twelve short stories, featuring a fictional detective Sherlock Holmes, related in first-person narrative from the point of view of Holmes's friend and admirer Dr.Watson."
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