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100 Chess Studies

100 Chess Studies

Seleznev Alexey

Код: 12444766
Страниц: 100
Переплет: мягкий
Иллюстрации: ч/б иллюстрации
Бумага: офсетная
Язык издания: английский
Год издания: 2017
Возрастные ограничения: 16+
Размер: 14.8 x 21 x 0.6 см
Вес: 150 г.
ISBN: 978-5-94693-544-9
Наличие: распродано
This collection of studies by the remarkable Russian chess composer Alexey Seleznev (1888-1967) will not only wrap you in the amazing world of beautiful and memorable ideas, developed here to perfection. It is also an indispensable chess study aid - Seleznev's problems are closely integrated into practical play and most of them are self-contained lessons. The accuracy of these compositions is backed up by modern computer analysis.
Edited and with a foreword by Oleg Pervakov, World Chess Composing Champion.
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