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The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard and The Adventures of Gerard

The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard and The Adventures of Gerard

Conan Doyle Arthur

Код: 34363320
Страниц: 496
Переплет: твердый
Язык издания: английский
Год издания: 2018
Возрастные ограничения: 16+
Размер: 14.5 x 21.5 x 3.2 см
Вес: 741 г.
ISBN: 978-5-521-08143-1
Наличие: распродано
Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. His works also include fantasy and science fiction, as well as plays, romances, non-fiction and historical novels. The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard and The Adventures of Gerard are wonderful collections of historical stories about Brigadier Gerard, an officer in the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars, the bravest soldier, and one of the most gallant lovers in France.
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